Journey Open Show


Show Dates: August 9 - September 20, 2024


Solemn Pursuit by Janice Breeden

Presented by the Louisa Arts Center, 212 Fredericksburg Ave, PO Box 2119, Louisa, VA  23093


May 3: Online entry period begins: Submit images, entry form, and non-refundable entry fee online by clicking open the "Register and Apply" using this link Journey Open Show registration or the button above.
If you experience difficulties, please contact us at:  

August 3: 9-11am—Drop off art for curator review. (NOTE: we cannot accept shipped artwork. In-person submissions only.) Please complete the online entry process in advance. If you have not completed the online process, assistance will be provided at the door. There will be three lines as follows:

Line 1—People who have completed the online entry process and only dropping off art in person (We don't have the facilities to accept or return shipped art).

Line 2—People who registered, but need help photographing their work to complete the process.

Line 3—People who need help from beginning to end with the online process.

August 5: Artists notified of selected/unselected art.

August 6-9: Unselected Art Pick-Up at the Arts Center (NOTE: any shipped artwork cannot be return shipped and will be considered an in-kind donation for our annual fundraiser.)

August 9: 6-8pm—Opening Reception

September 20: Show closing 6:00-7:00 pm .  Art can must picked up at the closing or September 21 between 9:00-11:00 am-—Art Pick-Up (NOTE: any shipped artwork cannot be returned and will be considered an in-kind donation for our annual fundraiser.)


A non-refundable entry fee of $5 per entry must accompany the submissions, payable online via credit card or in person with cash or check. Fees are waived for students under 18. Call our box office (540-967-5200) for coupon code. 


User video tutorial is at the bottom of this page.

Once you have created your account a Video Tutorial is at top of User Dashboard.

Submit JPG images online. Here are tips for taking photos of your art:

Users can upload the following image based file types as long as they are under 5mb file size: JPEGs or PNGs


This exhibition is open to all local artists. All media is eligible.

All artworks must be original in any media (no printed reproductions of paintings, drawings, or pastels). Any copied photos used in creating the artwork must have been taken by the artist or credit given to the photographer.  All artwork must not have appeared in a previous show at the Louisa Arts Center.

Artworks wholly generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) programs (i.e, DALL-E, Midjourney, or similar programs) will not be accepted for display. Artworks derived or transformed or modified by AI-programs are acceptable so long as the greater part of the artwork process and outcome is the tangible, intellectual, and creative labor of the artist(s). AI-assisted artworks must be acknowledged to the Gallery and potential customers.

THREE (3) pieces of art may be entered per artist. Example: If two or more canvases are to be hung together they count as separate pieces. If two or more canvases are within one frame they count as one piece.

All 2-D (to include drawing, painting, collage, photography, low relief, etc.) artwork must be framed in a professional manner and ready to hang from picture molding (ie. screw eyes, hanging rings, brackets, wire, etc. on both sides on back of the work). NO saw tooth hangers. Gallery provides pedestals for 3-D work.

Attach a tag to the back of EACH artwork with the following information:
a. Name of Artist
b. Title of Art
c. Medium
d. Price
e. Dimensions

Artwork is required to be for sale and if sold, the Center will retain a 30% commission of the price listed by the artist. Set the price of the artworks taking the commission into consideration. The artist shall contact the Arts Center and remit 15% of the sale price of any item, which is purchased by an Arts Center client or referral from opening night to 365 days later.

Physical artwork must be delivered between 9am-11am the Saturday prior to the show opening following the online submission process with uploaded images. Due to lack of storage space, art may not be left at the Center prior to the scheduled drop-off date. NOTE: we cannot accept shipped artwork. In-person submissions only.

The Center reserves the right to reject from exhibition artworks accepted by juror due to content, inability to install the work (ie. improper hanging hardware), or work not ready to be hung (ie. wet painting, non-fixed charcoal/pastels, etc).

Artists will be notified by Monday evening via email regarding artwork selection(s). Artists are responsible for checking their email account for notifications. Artwork not accepted must be picked up during Gallery hours prior to the show opening.

Artwork is required to remain on display until the end of the show.

After the close of the show, artwork must be picked up at the end of the closing reception or on the Saturday morning following the closing reception. NOTE: We don't have the facilities to accept or return shipped art. Any shipped artwork cannot be return shipped and will be considered an in-kind donation for our annual fundraiser. Artwork left at the Center for more than two weeks after the close of this show will become the property of the Center and considered an in-kind donation to the Annual Silver Tie Gala fundraising event. Please call us if there are extenuating circumstances.


By submitting artwork for entry and upon acceptance, the artist agrees to allow work to be shown and reproduced for publicity purposes.

The Louisa Arts Center takes every precaution to protect entries from damage and loss; however the artwork is NOT insured by the Center.

Participating Artists agree to hold the Louisa Arts Center harmless and to indemnify the Louisa Arts Center against all claims resulting from losses.

Thank you for your submission(s).
We appreciate your creative time and effort and hope you will consider future submissions.



If you already have an artcall account, please log in and upload your art image and information to the selected open show on the artcall site. If you have never used the site before, it is very easy. Please register to create an account and then follow the step-by-step instructions to complete your information with image upload. Your work must be for sale with images uploaded to the site. We use this information to email you as needed and to build gallery wall tags and opening reception name badges.

All participating artists are responsible for inputting accurate information onto the artcall site.

Check spelling and capitalization because the web gallery and wall tags will match what you type.

If you have any questions, such as you don’t see an art category that matches your entry, please email us at with the show theme name in the subject line before art drop off day.

Please proofread your personal info, especially your email address so we may reach you. You are responsible for providing accurate information and quality photos of your work.

For each entry:

Check spelling and capitalization because the web gallery and wall tags will match what you type.

If framing behind glass, take photos of your work before final framing.

If work is 3D, take photos with a simple white background.

Upload your own photos, color corrected to match the art as closely as possible. Accepted image formats are jpgs and pngs. Images must be a minimum of 540px to a maximum of 1920px. 

We cannot guarantee the quality of the images if you use our services in taking photos of your entries.

Upon notice of acceptance, please log in and double-check your entry information (art title, price, spellings, capitalization etc.) and make any necessary corrections. If having problems, alert us to any corrections needing to be made before the Wednesday prior to the opening reception.

No corrections can be made to the Web gallery, the printed show program, or the gallery wall tags after the Wednesday before the opening reception.


I was born in Illinois but have lived in Virginia for the past 50 years. I graduated from Mary Baldwin with a degree in painting and drawing and received my masters from VCU in interdisciplinary studies. I taught art at Louisa High School for 17 years and I have since retired. I now spend my spare time pursuing my love of painting and art. 

I am drawn to objects and interior settings like the chairs in the painting “Solemn Pursuit".  I have recently introduced the journey of the outdoors in my interiors.  I see a human connection and sometimes a conversation in these settings that are void of people.  There is a mystery of time and character that pulls me into my own expedition of artifacts and people both in the present and past. 

User Entry Process Tutorial